Tuesday, February 3, 2009

oh my god...

I am guilty of extreme blog neglect. And the funny thing is that I don't even feel that guilty about it. Maybe my friend Eliza has a point when she says I should never have children. My absence is due predominantly to the fact that I've been irresponsibly chasing the summer sun up the east coast of Australia; not thinking about work, writing, styling, going on the dole - nothing. The most taxing thing my mind dealt with for three whole weeks was how often I should reapply my sunscreen (speaking of which, I have a killer tan at the moment. I am skin cells in trauma, but it is worth it.)

Anyway, all the fun and games are over, and I'm back to panicking about what to do for a job, especially in light of the fact that I've decided to move back to London in six weeks, I have no money, no job prospects, and nowhere to live (although I apparently do have an Oxford comma, which must be a start).

As part of my new career kick, I've spent the last few days slaving over a hot mac, putting together a new website. This is mostly because I think my shoot pics clutter up my blog a bit, but also because I see it as a way to separate my fashion styling and writing, and this randomly wandering prose.

So basically this is a pr puff piece. There isn't really any super new material on there, but check out my site and see what you think!


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